A Letter From The Pastor


   Its officially here…. Fall. The leaves are falling, it’s getting cooler, it’s overcast and
dreary, my type of days. I like them because the temperature is just right and it’s really
not too bright out. You can smell the change in the air, crisp and clean. Some folks are
starting their fireplace, and you can smell the firewood.    

     But, that’s not reason I am writing this…. It’s October, and we all know what happens
at the end of October? Halloween or All Hallows Eve. The day before All Saints Day. I
myself have may fall decor out plus a blow-up ghost and blow-up dragon on the front
yard for the little ones who come trick or treating. But I think most of know it as
Reformation Day. On October 31, 1517, an Augustinian monk posted ninety-five statements for discussion on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. 

     Doctor Martin Luther hoped that posting these theses would bring about an academic debate regarding repentance, the sale of indulgences, and other matters of concern within the Roman Catholic Church. However, Rome eventually excommunicated Luther, judging him to be a heretic. Luther's reforms, centered on the teaching that a believer is justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, sparked religious reforms not only in the German states but also in many European countries. In 1667, Elector John George II of Saxony, standardized the custom of observing Luther's October 31 st posting of the 95 Theses. 

     As you guessed, Martin Luther was the man of the reformation. The beginning of the
reformation may be traced to his question: “How do I obtain a gracious God?” and the
answer can be found around in Psalms 31:1; 17:2 and Romans 1:17.

     May our gracious lord pour out His Holy Spirit on His faithful people. Keep us
constant in your grace and truth, protect and deliver us in times of temptation, defend
us from all enemies, and grant to your church you're saving peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord., Amen.

Yours truly,

Pastor Tim Casaday Autumn 2024