St. Matthew’s Events & Announcements
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Have an announcement for the Bulletin or want to add someone to the prayer list? Please e-mail Lucia Lawrence at
ZOOM SERVICE: Check out a recording of our weekly service by clicking the following link:
When you click on the link, enter the following passcode: 9g6^f*%h
PLEASE PRAY: Let us lift up our voices high to the Lord
as we pray for:
Gertrude Caggiano, Rich and Fran Egan, Beth Kelley, Betty Loffredo, and Greg Tobiason.
Physical Health and Wellness program will be held on Zoom on Wednesday,
October 5th at 11 a.m. You can Zoom in from your home, or as a group
from your congregation. Registration is free but required: Please email
Colleen Bottcher at or call her at 201-723-9836.
The New Jersey District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod will celebrate
our 50 year Anniversary on Saturday, October 29th, 2022 at Princeton
University Chapel proclaiming Christ our past, Christ our present and
Christ our future. Worship Service will begin at 3:00 pm. The University
asks that if you are not vaccinated that you wear a mask.
There will be a new Holy Yoga Offering. It will now be held on Tuesdays
in person in the parlor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Ridgewood, NJ.
You are welcomed to bring your mat, water and yoga assists with you.
Please contact
Our District Retreat will be on Saturday, Nov. 5th, at King of Kings in Mountain Lakes, NJ. The theme will be “Prayer and Meditation” and will include a prayer walk with various stations for activities, such as “praying the hymns” and writing cards to veterans. Be sure to check out the newsletter for more information!
A free Webinar, titled “Making Disciples for Life Resource Center” will be held from 1–2 p.m. Central time on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. The presenter will be the Rev. Dr. Mark Wood, director of LCMS Witness & Outreach and LCMS Revitalization. Registration is required. Phone 888-843-5267 or Email: to register.
The people of Puerto Rico need our prayers and support,” said the Rev. Kevin D. Robson, LCMS chief mission officer. Missionaries and local pastors are distributing hot meals and offering a place to rest while waiting for power to be restored on the island. LCMS Disaster Response will be focused on helping the hurting over the coming months, as disaster victims slowly rebuild their lives,” said the Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson, director of LCMS Disaster Response. To donate toward the relief efforts, visit for details.
The Lutheran Witness is another publication and is published 11 times a year. However, you can now listen to all the articles and favorite stories on “The Lutheran Witness Podcast.” Visit and click on Lutheran Witness to view the podcast page to learn how to subscribe.You can also just click the audio play button at the top of any article. It’s all free to enjoy and be nourished by the Gospel.
LWML NEWS: The LWML Mission Goal for the 2021-2023 Biennium is $2,150,000, which
was voted to be supported by the LWML delegates. Donations have reached
$1,740,500 this far. Many thanks for the generosity of those who have
supported the LWML Missions with their donations. To donate, visit for details.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League announced it will hold its’ 40th Biennial Convention on June 22-25, 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Their Board of Directors chose Psalm 33:12-13 as the theme Scripture; “Celebrate the Lord of the Nations.”
CONCORDIA SEMINARY NEWS: To support Concordia, planned giving is way to help. There are a number of ways to begin planned giving. The right planned gift may provide you with tax and income benefits while helping concordia Seminary, St. Louis further their mission of preparing church leaders. Visit for more information or call 800-822-5287.
October 4th at 4PM, LHM is inviting all to a webcast via Zoom about the
robust global ministries efforts to spread the Gospel around the world.
Leadership presentations from The LHM Foundation and Artis will be
featured. Registration is free but required. Visit for
registration and further details.
The 2023 Rose Bowl Parade is scheduled to air on Monday, January 2nd.
The LHM float entry, "A New Day with Jesus," marks the 72nd time our
float has been part of the parade! As the only Christian float in the
Rose Parade, the LHM float carries on a mission of providing a Gospel
witness to viewers everywhere, from along the parade route to
televisions worldwide.
Did you know that more than 150 Million people hear or read the gospel
through LHM programs, services or materials? It was founded in 1917 and
its’ Ministry reaches over 60 countries. Daily Devotions as well as
on-line Bible studies are available through their website. Visit
Daily Devotions from LHM will help strengthen and encourage your faith as you do the same for others. Have them delivered right to your inbox, podcast the audio devotional, access them on your mobile device through the FREE app, or listen with Spotify, iHeart Radio, Alexa, or Google Home. Perfect for personal reflection or to share with family, friends and congregations, these seasonal meditations will help prepare you to celebrate the true meaning of these seasons.
Did you know? The LHM was founded in 1917, it has a membership of over 75,000, and its ministry spreads the Word of God to people of over 50 countries worldwide. Visit for more info.
The Lutheran Hour radio show was first broadcast October 2nd, 1930, and continues on the air today, making it the world’s oldest continually broadcast Christ-centered radio program. Listen to the Lutheran Hour on Sirius XM Family Talk Channel 131, Sundays at 10 AM EST, or download the podcast weekly from your favorite podcast listening service. For more information go to
OUTREACH: During these unusual times, it makes it difficult for outreach. How about sending a card to a shut-in or dropping off a baked treat or a few groceries at their door? It’s amazing how a simple gesture can brighten someone’s day and help us spread the Lord’s Word.